Friday, March 18, 2011

My Claim To Fame!

In my wildest dreams I never, ever thought I would be mentioned (or pictured) in a real, honest-to-goodness published book.....but I am!  Go just never know.  My claim to fame came to be like this--my son, John Bobey, who is a writer and lives in Manhattan, has a friend who just published a book.  It is titled "My Mom STYLE ICON" by Piper Weiss. She also is the author of   The book features beautiful, vintage photographs of moms in their younger days wearing the fashions that were popular at that particular time.  My son knew she was writing the book and called me and told me to send her some old photos - which I did.  Much to my surprise she ended up using four of the pictures in the book -- two of me alone and two of me with my son, John.  Unfreakin' believable! The book comes out in another week but my son got an advance copy which he sent to me and I am still in shock!  I guess like Andy Warhol said everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame and this is mine.  To be totally honest if anyone loves vintage give this book a read (and not just because I am in it), it is just fantastic.  I just love all things vintage and this book gives you an authentic look at the hairdos, clothes, cars, jewelry etc. back in the day.  Piper did a terrific book and I can't wait for her next one.....hmmmm, I have more pictures maybe she will do a volume II - just a thought!
My Mom, Style Icon

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